Thursday 29 September 2011

Island Team Training

This Saturday, October 1st, at 10:30am, the island has organized it's first team training for the season. It will be at the Nanaimo Judo Club (Click for Map) and open to competitive 13 year olds and older.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Beginning of a new season

Its the beginning of a new judo season and some of the yonkyu's (orange belts) are trying to shake off the summer rust, with a little "throw for throw".

From Judo Videos
Looking for new members.  Signup happening now.
Kids 5-12 start at 5pm, while Teens and Adults start at 6:30pm.
Practices are on Tuesday and Thursday nights

To begin, all you need to do is show up at the dojo on a training night.


Thursday 1 September 2011

World Police And Fire Games

This years competition was in New York where Wayne Unger, Christian Dupuis, and Matt Morin of the Victoria Judo club traveled to compete.  All three of them faced some stiff competition, and the tournament had them fighting till after 2am.  Both Wayne and Christian walked away with Bronze in judo, while Matt scored a bronze in wrestling.

CONGRATS to our island team mates!